Saturday, January 06, 2007


My mp3 player thinks I’m gay. I keep it on random, but it insists on playing only Erasure, Pet Shop Boys, Frankie Goes To Hollywood and Madonna (which make up less than 1% of the music on there. And those are purely for nostalgia sake. Honestly). It’s not the first object to question my sexuality - that would be my dad. I remember him sitting me down and telling me that he and my mum would love me just as much if I was gay (an extremely progressive stance for a forty year old guy from North Wales. I suspect my mum’s influence in his choice of words: My dad has never before or since used the “L” word). At the time I was baffled. But looking back, all those days when my dad returned from watching my little brother play rugby to find me locked in my bedroom with my best mate (Howard), singing and dancing to Love to Hate You, may have given him the wrong impression. Howard, dad, this one’s for you…

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